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комментарии к фотографиям комментарии к фотографиям
комментарии к карточке №260991

страница 1 / 2024-06-01

Су-22М4 7003
Вячеслав Бабаевский | 2015-05-18 02:47 | 177023
Thanks! Saddly.
CBR | 2015-05-17 19:21 | 177022
The Su-22 is at the aeroclub and more or less free to access. Google Earth images show 22 MIG-21 and an Su-22 stored at a south compound in 2012. By August 2013 all MiGs have gone and the Su-22 is placed at the Aeroclub. Rgds, Carl.
Вячеслав Бабаевский | 2015-05-17 16:45 | 177021
CBR, MiG-21's still stored here airfield or scrapped? And access to this territory free for spotters?
Вячеслав Бабаевский | 02:47
Thanks! Saddly.

CBR | 19:21
The Su-22 is at the aeroclub and more or less free to access. Google Earth images show 22 MIG-21 and an Su-22 stored at a south compound in 2012. By August 2013 all MiGs have gone and the Su-22 is placed at the Aeroclub. Rgds, Carl.

Вячеслав Бабаевский | 16:45
CBR, MiG-21's still stored here airfield or scrapped? And access to this territory free for spotters?